Moving to London was always one of the things I’ve always wanted to do but it felt sooo unreal. You know, when you have an image in your head of how you want to be in whatever amount of years? Sort of a collage of movie scenes, characters from books and pretty pictures from magazines? Yeah, that’s sort of image.Well, how satisfying it is when that actually comes true?? Definitely one of the best feelings in the world.
So yeah, moving to London was one of the best things I’ve done so far! And the last 2 days were the perfect example why I sooo had to do it.
Pretty sure that the main reason why everyone has to come here is to be able to spend a Bank holiday exploring little streets and neighbourhoods, packed with markets, vintage shops and oh-so-pretty trees! (Also the spring this year is something-out-of-this-world)
We went for a lovely walk to explore some of the lovely parks, which are surprisingly close to our house! If you ever get a chance you should go to Clissold Park, there is a lovely canal going through it and a beautiful coffee shop! Latte and a little salad, were just perfect!
After sitting on a grass for a little (and thinking how much I need a pet), we decided to walk to Regent’s Canal in Islington. Because it was a beautiful bank holiday Sunday everyone was very relaxed and truly enjoying the sunshine. We walked on the side of the canal until it was decided that food is a must! And because it was a Sunday not to get a Sunday roast was just plain rude! (Veggie one for me) Luckily there are a couple of lovely pubs and cafes right next to the canal so we went to a pub called The Narrow Boat. Not sure how it would be on any other day, but I’m convinced that it’s one of those places that definitely blossoms on a sunny day! And their terrace is just beautiful! After food and drinks (I was dying for a beer after I saw a woman drinking one in the sunshine) we walked around Angel for a while, took lots of pictures of the spring and decided to move towards our house… A glass of wine in our local was the perfect end of our little day trip! Monday I was feeling lazy so reading a book in a park seemed like the perfect plan! So that’s exactly what we did for 3 hours! The only regret that day was the lack of food we brought with us, because the smells of bbq’s surrounding us were mind-blowing.